Tried and Tested! Life as a Digital Nomad

Transitioning from a corporate career to that of a full-time writer involved many changes and adjustments in my life, both professional and personal, but one of the most intriguing things I found myself contemplating was the idea of a digital nomad approach to working. As an office-bound worker for all my career to date (business trips aside), the whole idea seemed like a some sort of mystical fantasy that would be always out of reach, and perhaps was not all it was cracked up to be anyway, “yes, just keep thinking that”, I thought. As I went through weeks, even months, of adjustment it became apparent that it was no longer out of reach but also beckoned with a strange sense of allure. In a gallant effort to manage the tug-o-war between discipline and temptation, I pushed away the siren calls and convinced myself that the relevant question which needed answering was whether this was a really a productive way to work and achieve one’s goals, or was it something that people di...